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Boost AI Search & Filter

Boost search

Boost AI Search & Filter


Boost: Tailored ecommerce search solution. Advanced functionality - typo tolerance, synonyms, filters. Personalized results enhance shopping. Customizable design. Gain insights with analytics, optimize search experience, and elevate conversions.

What is Boost Commerce?

Build Powerful Product Search & Discovery With Boost AI Boost offers complete solutions for upgrading Site Search, Recommendation, Merchandising, and Navigation using AI. Make your Shopify store smarter, easier to measure & manage with Boost AI Search & Discovery.

Key Features and Services:
  • AI-powered search bar: search suggestion, typo tolerance, AI synonyms, stopwords

  • Various recommendation settings in home, collection, product & cart page.

  • Visual merchandising tools with pin, boost, demote & hide product strategy.

  • Custom product filter w/ unlimited Filter options: tag, metafield, variant, etc.

  • Insightful analytics with detailed collection filter & search behavior report.

Explore More:
  • Click here to learn more about Boost Commerce

  • Click here to view Boost Commerce's Shopify App Store Page

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